Thursday, September 1, 2011

Labor-less Day Weekend

Ah, the end of summer.  A lot of things run through my mind when I understand that today is September 1st.  Coziness.  Hell (aka -35 with snow).  Sweaters.  Jackets.  Sliding on ice & crashing.  A couple months of lovely weather for running and hiking.  Followed by the aforementioned hell.  The gradual and heartbreaking fading of the tan I've worked so hard for.  Birthday parties, great holidays, the end of feeling guilty that I didn't weed or water enough.  Barren and birdless trees.  First snows.  Cuddling. 

Hey. This is the first winter I've had a guy to cuddle with for a long time.  Maybe it won't be so bad.  Plus, he's going to teach me to cross-country ski.  My current technique involves a lot of falling.  I'm not a fan.  And I'm signed up for yoga classes every weekend and during lunch on Thursdays.  But I still don't look forward to having to put on 10 layers of clothes just to walk to the garage and back.

So, to kick off this ambivalence, we're having a weekend staycation.  Friday we're going to go spend the day in Bozeman--shop, the man's going to get a haircut, I'll hang at the mall, we'll go for a hike with the dogs, and follow it all up with dinner at MT Aleworks.  I'm really looking forward to a non-rushed day in the big city.

Saturday I'm going garage saling, to the farmer's market, and to breakfast with Aaron.  And then I don't know what, although the man wants to watch a bunch of movies.

Sunday, church in Livingston and then maybe some crafty-type stuff.  Fix a nice dinner.

Monday, the man's working, so I'm going to lounge about, read, and get to work on some Christmas presents.

Yup, sounds like a lovely, lovely labor-less weekend.  I hope everyone else enjoys their rest from toil as well.


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